Resurrect Roosevelt’s Bill of Rights? A Cry For Good Old Fashioned Republicanism!

Roosevelt "fireside chat" State of the Union, 1/11/1944

Roosevelt “fireside chat” State of the Union, 1/11/1944

A couple months ago I visited a blog where the author was presenting his opinion on how we need to augment our Bill of Rights to include those elements presented in Roosevelt’s economic bill of rights back in January of 1944.  The author went on to suggest that Roosevelt’s presentation is something this country needs desperately.  Needless to say the blog author with the relatively controversial opinion received a number of replies, many who unfortunately favored the idea.

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Remembering 9/11… Forgetting Bin Laden… Embracing Fear



With all the remembrance regarding it being 15 years after the events of 9/11 I am forced to recall my own thoughts on the demise of Osama Bin Laden at the hands of Seal Team Six… and our leaders huddled in the Situation Room watching it as it happened.

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MY UNCOMMON SENSE – About Those Damn Emails….


Well, I suppose I should weigh in on all the email hubbub with Hillary having been investigated for mismanaging her sensitive emails.  This thing just drones on (no pun intended.. well, yeah, pun intended) and even I get confused as to the real issue behind it all.  Obviously the republicans are constantly banging away that this is a big deal and there must be something fishy that she wasn’t indicted for allowing classified emails on her private email server.  This is politics-at-election-time as usual.  Here’s a July 6 report from The Wall Street Journal that sums up the official stuff…

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Kaepernick. And We Wonder Why The Extreme Right Is So Wound Up?


Freedom of speech.  If you are an American you would likely die to protect that freedom.  That includes treatment of the flag.  No law exists to punish anyone for defacing or destroying or defaming the flag because of our freedom of speech.  You can burn it, stomp on it, rip it up… and we will defend unto our deaths anyone’s right to do that.  BUT… there’s very little in our makeup as Americans that sends us into rabid rage more than seeing our icons of freedom treated with disrespect, whether it’s Islamic protesters in a Middle East country tearing down an embassy flag, or some pro sports figure here at home deciding to sit during the playing of the National Anthem before a game in some self-serving protest about America.

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